What is Visit My Farm (VMF)?

VMF is a new business idea to strengthen the connection between rural and urban people, grow farm visits, and provide a new agri-tourism income stream for farmers.

Today, a visitor to a rural area has no easy way to visit a farm unless they have a personal connection to the farmer. VMF’s online platform gives consumers the opportunity to book unique agricultural experiences directly with farmers in areas they visit.

Who Owns VMF?

VMF is a concept that was developed by two DPI staff as part of an Australian Futures project. 

In 2020 the program was transferred to NSW Farmers, which now owns and has sole responsibility for Visit My Farm.

What does signing up as a VMF trial farmer mean?

By signing up to this VMF trial farmers will provide a profile of their farm in words and pictures and list any experiences they can offer on their farm. They will need to allocate the time allocated for experiences (between 1‐3 hours), the costs per person against each activity, provide potential dates and times (morning or afternoon). This information will be published on the VMF trial website and used to test the concept with visitors over a two month period. 

What is the trial for?

The trial is a way of testing the VMF concept in the ‘real’ world and will use this feedback from farmers and visitors to develop the project further.

What will it cost farmers to participate in this VMF trial?

Being a host farmer won’t cost farmers money but they will need to devote some time to develop their simple profile, liaise with visitors and ultimately deliver any farm experiences booked by visitors when they come to visit. All revenue from the pilot will go to the farmers who deliver visits on their farms.

What will it cost visitors to participate in the trial?

Visitors will be asked to pay for the VMF experience. The prices will be set by individual farms. Visitors will be able to choose which experiences interest them and chat to the farm contact (email/mobile) before visiting to ensure what is offered matches expectations. This will also be an opportunity to talk about any special requirements and whether the farm activity is suitable. All revenue from the pilot will go to the farmers who deliver visits on their farms.

What happens if I have to cancel a VMF visit?

If a farmer or visitor is unable to complete a visit (Let’s face it things do happen). You will need to renegotiate with the farmer for another suitable time. If a visitor cancels they may not be eligible for a refund.

Can I remove myself from the VMF trial?

Farmers and visitors will be able to remove themselves from the trial at any time but must advise the trial manager if they have any farm visits booked.

What is a Beta website?

A beta test is a limited release of a product or service with a goal of finding bugs before the final release. So you can expect to find a few bugs in this trial.

What are my insurance obligations as a farmer host?

As a host you must provide Visit my farm with details of your public liability insurance: level of cover, insurance company, expiry date and policy number.

What are my work health and safety obligations as a farmer host and visitor?

Farmer hosts have a responsibility to provide a work health and safety briefing to all visitors when they arrive. Visitors have a responsibility to adhere to work health and safety guidelines provided by the farmer.

What safety measures need to be in place for visitors?

All visitors who enter a site as part of the ‘Visit My Farm’ program are required to complete a site specific induction immediately upon arrival at the site. The following provides a summary of key points that must be included in the induction.

Key Points

  • Specific safety features, practices and or pre-cautions to be aware of whilst on the site.

  • Emergency procedures for the site and what to do in the event of an emergency.

  • Alcohol or illegal drugs are not to be bought onto the site and all visitors must adhere to a zero blood alcohol level.

  • Overview of amenities such as location of toilets and car parking.

  • Requirements to report any incidents and also first aid procedures in the event of an injury.

  • Site rules for smoking.

  • Clothing requirements including closed toe shoes.

  • Any associated risks they may encounter whilst on site.

  • Safety requirements specific to activities being undertaken must also be provided.